Thursday, April 11, 2013

Download Master

What's new
FIX: Unable to download .m and .mdl files
FIX: Show redirected file name instead of
NEW: Regular expression support in custom filter
NEW: Show only file links by default, change 'Hide non file links' to 'Show all links' display option
NEW: Show links with link name on the top of the links table
NEW: Show download master page in a pop up window with Ads

Coming next
[depends on your feedback]

Open requests
- Add an option to download the displayed web page htm
- Get to Download Master from right click menu on a web page
- Get download links from a file e.g. file:///C:/links.txt
- Custom download location
- Bug: Download button disappears when changing Chrome 'Page Zoom'
- Keep the the last custom filter text in the box
- Download youtube videos
- Compress all chosen files to a single zip
- Hitting 'Enter' in the search box should start the download
- Limit the number of simultaneous downloads
- Support regular expressions in the search box
- Download the entire website keeping the internal link structure valid
- Sort the files by size
- Download flash
- Pause and resume downloading
- Download images from a Google Images result page
- Allow wildcard in the custom search box
- Allow user-defined pre-sets ("IMAGE_CAM_" checkbox near the ".jpg")
- Pictures thumbnail on mouse hover over a link
- Block Chrome's "Allow\Deny" pop-up on each download
- Limit the number of simultaneous downloads
- Download files from multiple pages at once
- Renaming masks like here -
- Display total amount of links and amount of selected links
- Filter by file size

Please use comments to report a bug or request a feature


  1. When Download Master is run, it shows in a movable popup window and now the demonstrated popup underneath the button. Popup window includes nothing but "Loading the files list ...", a few generic advertisements, and a generic Google sites footer.

    1. Hi Matt, thanks for your comment. I've tested this version intensively and didn't see such a behaviour. Can you please specify on which website do encounter this issue? Does it work fine on other websites?

      Thanks in advance for you reply,

    2. The same trouble here.
      Seems like a bug in the last version (
      I've tested on two sites and the one of them is:

    3. Hi sarbash, thanks for reporting this issue.

      I've used the latest and the previous version on the qt download site, both worked fine.
      Can you please give me more details, like operating system and the other site you ser this issue on.

      Thanks again,

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. There was something in chrome://flags which created that behavior. I removed all flags and runs ok, but I can't say exactly which one it was.

    6. Thanks for the feedback popein,
      could you please state all the flags you removed and I will do the elimination work.
      I wonder which flag has such an effect on my extension.

      Thanks, Mona

    7. I am running Windows 8, Chrome dev-channel as well as Torch (a Chromium-based build). I have tried it on various pages that include links, including a small HTML page I created with a single link to see if it would work. popein: what flags were there?

    8. I'm running Ubuntu & Chromium, I'm experiencing the same bug. I turned off all the things in flags and still didn't fix the bug. Would be really nice to fix, I haven't found an alternative extension that works for my needs.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. please i have to know how i get a free download to this programe

  2. Thank you for the quick reply.

    You're right I had have to give specs at first place.

    OS: Debian 3.2.41-1 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    Browser: Chromium 25.0.1364.152 Debian 7.0 (185281)

    Looks like DM won't work at all no matter what site is.
    For ex.:

    1. Hi Sarbash.s

      I can't reproduce this on Ubuntu as well.
      Can you please drop me an email to, I want to send you the previous version of Download Master to see if this is extension of browser issue.

      Thanks, Mona

    2. Hi, Mona.

      Still using the previous version. It has one little issue. It shows a list after second activation. First run acts like initialization but without a list. Second click makes the job. It's ok does not annoying me.

      Just tried the last version from chrome web-store. Still doesn't work.

      Linux debian 3.10-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.10.3-1 (2013-07-27) x86_64 GNU/Linux
      Chromium 28.0.1500.95 Debian jessie/sid (213514)

  3. I would love a feature that could detect the file type you are downloading and depending on that information, move the file to a specific folder.

    1. Thanks for the feature request,

      in order to control the download location I need to use Chrome Download API, which is still experimental but is planned to be released in couple of month by Google Chrome team.
      As soon as Download API will be released, I'll release Download Master with your request and others which depends on it.

      Stay tuned :)

      Thanks, Mona

  4. Custom download location please!

    1. Thanks for your feedback Dambo29.
      Ohh man, I wish I could do that ages ago...
      Google release a new API for me to be able to do that hopefully in the coming months, then I'll be able to release a version with this "must feature".
      Will update here.

  5. How do you download videos? Has anyone done it before? Is it possible?

    1. Darren, thanks for your comment.
      Please send me an email with the site you want to download videos from and I'll see how can I enable the download.

  6. The popup with advertisements effectively destroyed this program.

    Since it's a popup, it doesn't work in incognito mode and causes other problems.

    Please go back to the previous method.

    As you can see, you're getting many negative reviews because of this!

    1. Hey Nguyen, thank you very much for bringing this up.
      I care a lot about the quality of this extension and tested it really thoroughly. My testing include the incognito mode, I see it working fine (will probably need your feedback on that).
      The popup with the advertisement is the only way for me to moneytize the project and keep it alive.
      Please send me some details over email or here on the bad behavior you encounter with Download Master in incognito mode.
      I'll try to fix the issue you see and send you a private fixed version.
      Also I'll try to find another way to budget the project without the pop up.

      Thanks a lot for you feedback.

  7. It would be nice if you could have the option to save the file with the link name instead of the name of the target.

    It would also be nice to be able to save my settings.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It downloads only one image even I have selected multiple files.

  10. Rather than approve every download I'd like the option to specify a download folder and have all the files in the current operation downloaded to that folder. Otherwise, problems are likely. For instance, just now a Save As dialog box opened, got keyboard focus, and irrecoverably lost its file name while I was touch typing. :-(

    I'd also like to have some simple scheduling to soften the load on servers; for example, initiate no more than 3-5 concurrent downloads, queueing others as necessary. These features are important when a web page has many dozens of downloadable files. But, already, life is easier. Thanks!

  11. Having benefit of more experience with DM, I find that what I earlier reported seems to be a one-off experience. The app generally displays properly and downloads 6-7 files at a time. That said, a folder option is necessary, IMO. My touch typing keeps ending up mangling dialog boxes that DM pops up during long download operations. Thanks again for a real time/effort saver. Cheers,

  12. "Failed - Server Problem" Is what i get when trying to download multiple pictures. FIXES?

  13. A checkbox for supporting the DOWNLOAD attribute on A links. 4chan renames uploaded files to serial numbers but retains the uploaded filename in this attribute.

  14. A very great feature that should be included is the downloading of files by selecting them then right clicking then clicking on download with DM ((Something similar to the rectangle select on Microsoft Windows Paint)))
    This would be something that should be on the top of your list!!
    I also would like to know if you are arabic....

  15. A feature to set how many files are downloaded simultaneously/at a time. Trying to download many links usually causes the server to cut off further connections for a bit. So, a checkbox with "Download [__] files at a time" with a textbox or a dropdown to specify an amount from 1-10 or so.

  16. Hey guys,

    We've been reviewing different Chrome extensions and yours stood out as a great product.

    I wanted to introduce our Chrome extension monetization service ( as we thought it might be a good fit for Download Master. We help developers monetize by showing search ads, display ads, and coupons on other domains. Your app would remain ad-free as this all happens outside of your app's UI.

    Let me know if this is something that you might be interested in.


    Greg Stiles
    Manager of Developer Relations, a Sierra Labs, Inc. Company
    3415 S Sepulveda Blvd #1250
    Los Angeles, CA 90034

  17. I'm getting an error message when attempting to save settings. I changed the default download path.

    "C:\Users\\Downloads\DownloadAll" which exists.

    The page at chrome-extension://ajffocjdcmpgjmdfdfkdfdbkjafbkcke says:
    Object [object HTMLEmbedElement] has no method 'validateDefaultPath'

    Windows 7
    Chrome 29.0.1547.66 m

  18. Hi Andrei,

    I'll be happy to share my source code with you and send you the relevant part by email, just drop me a line to

    Thanks for your comment

  19. Hi there. Can you tweak your program so it will recognize files that don't have an extension at all? I'm trying to mass-download a list of files, and some of them have extensions (and work just fine), but there are other files linked on the page that don't have extensions. (Instead of "file.doc" , it's just "file", and your program doesn't display them as an option to permit downloading. Thanks for your consideration!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. When I resize the column it works ok but it not save what I resized when I start the program again and use the default.

    I'd like to save all files with one click. Here I have to save file by file.

  23. Hi there. Can you tweak your program so it will recognize files that don't have an extension at all? I'm trying to mass-download a list of files, and some of them have extensions (and work just fine), but there are other files linked on the page that don't have extensions. (Instead of "file.doc" , it's just "file", and your program doesn't display them as an option to permit downloading. Thanks for your consideration!

  24. A very great feature that should be included is the downloading of files by selecting them then right clicking then clicking on download with DM ((Something similar to the rectangle select on Microsoft Windows Paint)))
    This would be something that should be on the top of your list!!
    I also would like to know if you are arabic....

  25. Download youtube videos online in many formats. You can convert youtube to mp3, avi, mp4 and download instantly.

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